Cylinder volume | 2198 ccm |
Performance | 114 kW |
Transmission | manuální |
Emission standard | EURO 5 |
Number of places | 3 |
Total weight | 3500 kg |
Standby weight | 2131 kg |
Payload | 1369 kg |
Bed area (L×W×H) | ×× cm |
VAT | 21% |
Total with VAT | 313 390 CZK |
Total without VAT | 259 000 CZK |
Car ID | 903 |
In operation since | 2015/11 |
Mileage | 350615 km |
VAT 21% | 54 390 CZK |
Total with VAT | 313 390 CZK |
Total without VAT | 259 000 CZK |
Technical parameters and equipment
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